Don’t Let Your Lights Go Out

the ground is shaking
We could run all we want
until the soles of our feet are aching
But we’re all just stuck no matter where we go
while we watch everything around us crumble

We have built this city,
but it has turned against us
The hopes of reaching for the stars
were too high for us to climb
Everyone’s either faceless or has too many masks —
we always have to keep our guards up
It has grown on each and everyone of us
that we don’t even know who to trust
We are getting pushed by people
that once pulled us up
Still, we live everyday with hope
that we could swim against the current
But the hope is growing faint
because everyday we believe a little less

Please don’t let your lights go out


Now read this


Noise. Noise. Noise. Lately, there has been nothing but noise In the train, I could hear everything from miles away I studied the people around me but no one else was aware of the chaos It sounded like giants in a riot They were burning... Continue →